Link to us!
f you feel we offer a valuable product, we invite you to place a link from your site to ours.
To copy and save the graphic to your hard drive, right click your mouse on it and choose Save Image As (or Save Picture As). Upload the graphic (sockerfri.gif) to the same directory as your Web page on your server. Copy and paste the following HTML code to your Web site.
<DIV ALIGN=”center”><A HREF=””><img src=”sockerfri.gif” width=”180″ height=”66″ alt=”Sucralose – ett nytt sötningsmedel gjort av socker, smakar som socker” border=”0″></div>
To create a text link that looks like this, copy & paste the code in the grey box:
Sucralose – ett nytt sötningsmedel gjort av socker, smakar som socker
<DIV ALIGN=”center”><A HREF=””><FONT SIZE=”3″ COLOR=”#0000FF”><b>Sucralose – ett nytt sötningsmedel gjort av socker, smakar som socker</b></FONT></a></DIV> |